He did this by basically making it free for local banks to borrow cash from the central bank – provided that the banks, mostly those in Spain and Italy, use those funds to buy up sovereign debt. 他的做法基本上是只要当地银行(主要是西班牙和意大利银行)能将相关资金用于购买主权债,欧洲央行就能为这些银行免费提供现金。
And let this fiftieth year be kept holy, and say publicly that everyone in the land is free from debt: it is the jubilee, and every man may go back to his heritage and to his family. 第五十年,你们要当作圣年,在遍地给一切的居民宣告自由。这年必为你们的禧年,各人要归自己的产业,各归本家。
The imminent collapse of the monetary system will produce amazing changes that will free all countries and peoples from the debt that had such a stranglehold on their lives. 即将来临的金融系统的崩溃将产生奇妙的转变,那将解放所有的国家和人民,从那紧紧束缚住他们的债务中解脱出来。
Free from the short-term perspective of quarterly reporting and the aversion of some institutional shareholders to sensible levels of debt and risk investment in growth, privately owned companies can adopt a long-term approach and embrace an entrepreneurial growth culture. 没有了季度财报的短期观点,也没有了一些机构投资者对合理的债务水平以及对成长型业务的风险投资的反感,私营企业可以采取长期战略,接受企业增长文化。
When a contract Unable to fulfill, law shall offer some method for parties to the contract to get out of this contract, free trade as he wanted and exempt from the debt which will benefit the entire society. 当合同陷入困境不能依约履行时,法律应当给当事人提供相应的制度从这个合同中摆脱出来,使其交易自由得以回复,相关债务得以免除,这对整个社会的总体利益也是有利的。